1 (a)
What are the major difference between ANSI C and K&R C? Explain with examples.
8 M
1 (b)
What is POSIX API? Explain the commonly occurring error status codes and their meaning.
8 M
1 (c)
Write a C++ program to check and display the POSIX version constant of the system on which is run.
4 M
2 (a)
Discuss with a neat diagram the different data structures supported by UNIx kernel for file manipulation.
8 M
2 (b)
List all the attributes of UNIX or POSIX file along with their meaning. Which are the attributes that remains uncharged for the entire life of the file and why?
8 M
2 (c)
Differentiate between hard link and symbolic link.
4 M
3 (a)
Explain the following API's along with their prototype definition and possible cause for failure:
i) open ii) write iii) fentl iv) stat
i) open ii) write iii) fentl iv) stat
12 M
3 (b)
How do you access and modify the time stamps of a file? Explain the prototype used for that. Write a program to illustrate the usage of the above prototype.
8 M
4 (a)
Explain the use of setjmp and longjmp functions, with examples.
8 M
4 (b)
With related data structure, explain the UNIx kernel support for a process.
8 M
4 (c)
What are the different ways in which a process can terminate normally?
4 M
5 (a)
List and explain the different forms of exec function with prototype declaration along with meaning. Write a program to echo all its command line arguments and environment variables.
12 M
5 (b)
What is process accounting? Write a program to illustrate the generation of accounting data.
8 M
6 (a)
What are signals? List any four signals along with brief explanation. Write a program to setup signals handler for SIGNALRM and SIGINT signals.
8 M
6 (b)
What are daemon process? Explain the BSD facility adopted by daemon processes for error handing.
8 M
6 (c)
Write a C++ program to illustrate the implementation of the Unix Kill command using the Kill API.
4 M
7 (a)
What are pipes? Explain the different ways to view a half duplex pipe. Write a program to create a pipe between a parent and its child and to send data down the pipe.
10 M
7 (b)
Discuss with an example, the client server communication using FIFO.
6 M
7 (c)
List along with prototype declaration and meaning, the different types of system calls available to create and manipulate semaphore.
4 M
8 (a)
What is socket? Describe the socket API. Explain the different API's used for establishing connection between two system using socket?
10 M
8 (b)
Write a short notes on the following:
i) RBCC condition
ii) File and Record locking
i) RBCC condition
ii) File and Record locking
10 M
More question papers from Unix Systems Programming