VTU Civil Engineering (Semester 3)
Surveying 1
December 2015
Total marks: --
Total time: --
(1) Assume appropriate data and state your reasons
(2) Marks are given to the right of every question
(3) Draw neat diagrams wherever necessary

1 (a) What are the principles of surveying? Explain.
10 M
1 (b) A rectangular plot of land measures 30cm × 40cm on a village map drawn to a scale of 100 m to 1 cm. Calculate its area in hectares. If the plot is re-drawn on a topo sheet to a scale of 1 km to 1 cm, what will be its area on the topo sheet? Also determine the R.F. of the scale of the village map as well as on the topo sheet.
10 M

2 (a) The distance between two stations was measured with a 20m chain and found to be 1500 m. The same was measured with a 30m chain and found to be 1476m. If the 20m chain was 5cm too short, what was the error in the 30m chain?
10 M
2 (b) With the aid of neat sketches explain the indirect method for determining horizontal distance applicable to sloping ground.
10 M

3 (a) Describe how to erect a perpendicular to chain line from a point on it?
10 M
3 (b) Give the possible solutions for surveying area having obstacles to both chaining and ranging.
10 M

4 (a) Distinguish between whole circle bearing and reduced bearing systems.
6 M
4 (b) What do you mean by magnetic dip and magnetic declination?
4 M
4 (c) Determine the values of included angles in the closed compass traverse ABCD conducted in the clockwise direction, given the following fore bearings of their respective lines:
Apply Check:
F, B 40° 70° 210° 280°
10 M

5 (a) The following bearings were observed with a compass:
Where do you suspected the local attraction? Find the corrected bearings.
F, B 73° 0' 91° 0' 166° 0' 177° 0' 189° 0'
B, B 254° 0' 272° 0' 343° 0' 0° 0' 8° 0'
10 M
5 (b) What do you mean by closing error? How do you correct it by Bowditch's rule and transit rules? Explain.
10 M

6 (a) Define the terms:
i) Bench mark
ii) MSL
iii) Turning points
iv) Fore sight.
4 M
6 (b) Give step by step procedure for temporary adjustments of a dumpy level.
6 M
6 (c) The following staff readings were taken with a level, the instrument having been moved after third, sixth and eight readings.
2.225, 1.625, 0.985, 2.095, 2.795, 1.265, 0.605, 1.980, 1.045 and 2.685 m.
Enter the above readings in a page of level book and calculate the RL of points. The first readings was taken on bench mark of RL 100,000m. Use the rise and fall method.
10 M

7 (a) The following reciprocal levels were taken with one level.
i) True difference in elevation between A and B.
ii) RL of B and
iii) The collimation error.
Instrument at Readings on Remark
A 1.564 2.787 Distance AB=100 m
B 0.436 1.695 RL of A=190.850 m
10 M
7 (b) Bring about different characteristics of contours.
10 M

8 (a) What are the methods of plane table surveying? Explain any two from them.
10 M
8 (b) List the limitations of planes table surveying and give advantages of plane table.
10 M

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