State and explain following concepts in product design.
1) Reverse Engineering.
2) Standardization.
3) Robust Design.
1) Reverse Engineering.
2) Standardization.
3) Robust Design.
6 M
Differentiate between products and services
6 M
Explain brazing process with neat sketch. Write benefits and limitations of brazing with respect to other metal joining processes. Also write its applications.
8 M
Draw block diagram of Lathe machine and name atleast 8 important parts.
8 M
Differentiate along with neat sketches between turning operations and facing operations.
4 M
Explain rolling process with neat sketch. Write benefits and limitations of rolling with respect to other metal working process. Also write its applications.
8 M
Differentiate along with neat sketches of relative motion between workpiece and tool for milling machine and shaper machine.
6 M
Discuss the important properties because of which plastic find its wide applications. Also state its limitations.
6 M
Explain operation planning and explain the steps involved in preparing an operation sheet.
8 M
Define quality and explain its dimensions.
6 M
The number of rust spots found in each sample of sheet metal of 0.1Sq.ft area is noted down as follows. Draw appropriate control chart and state whether the process is in control or not.

6 M
Write a note on robot co-ordinate systems.
8 M
Differentiate with neat respective sketches, the following basic types of motion controls in CNC machines.1) Point to point 2) Straight cut 3) Contouring cut.
6 M
List the advantages and limitations of Flexible Manufacturing Systems.
6 M
5(c )
Write a CNC program for drilling operation for the figure given below.

8 M
Explain the principle of Hand tool design.
8 M
The table below shows two layout options of a facility. The distance between any two adjacent departments is 15m. No diagonal movement of material is possible. For eg if a load has to be moved from department 7 to department 5 in layout A. It can be either through department 8,9 and 6 or through department 3,1 and 2 by travelling a distance of 60m. The table below also shows department processing sequence of various products and their quantity produced per month.Which layout is better in terms of total load-distance value?

8 M
6(c )
Write note on types of capacities.
4 M
Write short notes on any four of the following:-
Master Production Schedule
5 M
Role of demand management in assemble to order environment.
5 M
7(c )
5 M
Wastes identifies in JIT
5 M
7(e )
5 M
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