Derive transformation matrix for a plane truss element,relating displacement in the local(element)coordinates and global coordinates.
5 M
Explain different types of boundary condition giving examples.
5 M
What is the difference between shape function and interpolation function?Derive and sketch the same for linear bar element.
5 M
What do you mean by consistent and lumped mass matrices?Derive the same for linear bar element.
5 M
Solve the following differential equation by:
Collocation method
Collocation method
5 M
Galerkin method.
5 M
Rayleigh ritz method mapped over entire domain
\[\dfrac{d^{2}u}{dx^{2}}+u=x^{2}\\] 0&leq ;x ≤ 1
BcS; u(0)=0 \[\dfrac{du}{dx}|_{x=1}=1\\]
Compare the answer with exact solution at x =0.25,0.5,0.75 and 1.
\[\dfrac{d^{2}u}{dx^{2}}+u=x^{2}\\] 0&leq ;x ≤ 1
BcS; u(0)=0 \[\dfrac{du}{dx}|_{x=1}=1\\]
Compare the answer with exact solution at x =0.25,0.5,0.75 and 1.
10 M
The following differential equation arises in connection with heat transfer in an insulated rod:
\[\dfrac{d}{dx} \left(-k\dfrac{dT}{dx}\right)=q\] for 0≤x≤L
Where T is the temperature, K is the thermal conductivity and q the heat generation.Take the following values for the data;
L=0.1m,K=0.01 w/m -°C,β=25 W/m-°C,q=q=0
To =50° and T∞=5°C. Solve the problem using two linear finite elements for temperature values at x =L/2 and X=L. Derive the equation which you use.
\[\dfrac{d}{dx} \left(-k\dfrac{dT}{dx}\right)=q\] for 0≤x≤L
Where T is the temperature, K is the thermal conductivity and q the heat generation.Take the following values for the data;
L=0.1m,K=0.01 w/m -°C,β=25 W/m-°C,q=q=0
To =50° and T∞=5°C. Solve the problem using two linear finite elements for temperature values at x =L/2 and X=L. Derive the equation which you use.
14 M
Explain the principle of minimum total potential with suitable example.
6 M
Find the deflection and slopes at nodes and reaction at support for the beam as shown in figure below.Take EI=4000KN-m2
10 M
Find the heat transfer per unit area through the composite wall as shown in figure below.
10 M
What do you understand by Jacobin matrix? Derive the same for four-noded quadrilateral element.
15 M
The triangular element has nodes coordinates (10,10),(40,20)and (30,50) for nodes 1,2,and 3 respectively.For the point P located inside the triangle,determine the x and y coordinates if the shape function N1 and N2 are 0.15 and 0.25 respectively.
5 M
Analyse the following truss completely,i.e for displacement,reaction and stresses
14 M
Write any one algorithm for the solution of Eigen values problem.
6 M
Evaluate the following integral by Newton-cotes and Gauss-quadrature formula.
\[I =\int_{0}^{le}\dfrac{dN1}{dx}0\frac{dN2}{dx}\bar{dx}\\]
Where,\[N1 =\left(1-\dfrac{\bar{x}}{le}\right)\left(1-\dfrac{\bar{2x}}{le}\right)\\]
\[N_{2}=\dfrac{\bar{4x}}{le}\left(1-\dfrac{\bar{x}}{le}\right)\\],br>Check your answer with exact value.
Use following table
For Newton-cotes.
For Gauss-quadrature
\[I =\int_{0}^{le}\dfrac{dN1}{dx}0\frac{dN2}{dx}\bar{dx}\\]
Where,\[N1 =\left(1-\dfrac{\bar{x}}{le}\right)\left(1-\dfrac{\bar{2x}}{le}\right)\\]
\[N_{2}=\dfrac{\bar{4x}}{le}\left(1-\dfrac{\bar{x}}{le}\right)\\],br>Check your answer with exact value.
Use following table
For Newton-cotes.
No.of sampling points | W1 | W2 | W3 | W4 |
1 | 1 | - | - | - |
2 | 1/2 | 1/2 | - | - |
3 | 1/6 | 4/6 | 1/6 | - |
4 | 1/8 | 3/8 | 3/8 | 1/8 |
For Gauss-quadrature
No.of sampling points | ? i | Wi |
1 | 0 | 2 |
2 | \[\pm \dfrac{1}{\sqrt{3}} | 1 |
3 | \[\dfrac{0}{\pm\sqrt{0.6}}\\] |
8/9 5/9 |
12 M
Compare FEM with classical methods.
4 M
What are the sources of error in FEM.
4 M
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