VTU Information Science (Semester 7)
C# Programming and .NET
December 2016
Total marks: --
Total time: --
(1) Assume appropriate data and state your reasons
(2) Marks are given to the right of every question
(3) Draw neat diagrams wherever necessary

1(a) Define .NET. Explain the limitation and complexities found within the technologies prior to .NET. Briefly explain how .NET attempts to simplify that.
8 M
1(b) With the help of neat diagram describe to workflow that takes place between your source code, a given .NET compiler and the .NET execution engine.
6 M
1(c) CLS rules apply only to those parts of a type that are expressed outside the defining assembly. Justify with illustration.
6 M

2(a) Define metadata and manifest. Give the procedure to explore the metadata, manifest and intermediate language using "ildasm.exe".
6 M
2(b) Describe the meaning of the following C# complier options: i) @ ii) /? iii) /addmodule iv) /baseaddress v)/bugreport vii) /checked viii)/doc.
8 M
2(c) Explain the following aspects of VS.NET(IDE): i) Solution explorer ii) Documenting code Via XML.
6 M

3(a) Write a C# program that accepts five integers as a command line arguments and prints them in ascending order. The main method definition should have no arguments.
4 M
3(b) Explain the following C# programing aspects with an example: i) foreach/in ii) ref iii) params iv) enum.
8 M
3(c) List out the different members of System Object and explain how would you override the following virtual methods for a user defined class. i) Tostring ii) Equals iii) GetHashCode( ).
8 M

4(a) With illustration explain the following C# static type: i) static methods ii) static data iii) static class iv) static constructor v) static propertiess.
10 M
4(b) What is containment/delegation? Illustrate with appropriate programming snippets.
6 M
4(c) Differentiate between classical and adhoc polymorphism with example.
4 M

5(a) Discuss with illustration how the encapsulation can be enforced using traditional accessors, mutators and class properties.
8 M
5(b) Define errors, bugs and exceptions. Discuss what is the role of .NET exception handling.
6 M
5(c) Write a C# applications to illustrate, how to handle multiple exceptions.
6 M

6(a) What is meant by object lifetime? Describe the role .NET garbage collection, finalization process and adhoc destruction method with examples.
10 M
6(b) List out atleast five members of System.GC type and give their meaning.
5 M
6(c) Write a C# program to demonstrate a " Generation" objects.
5 M

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