Enumerate the importance of Bogue's compounds in ordinary port land cement.
6 M
Explain briefly rheology of concrete. What are the factors affecting the theology of concrete?
7 M
What are the factors affecting strength and elasticity of concrete?
7 M
Explain the mechanism of 'defloculation' of cement particles by super plasticizers with neat sketches.
7 M
What is optimum dosage of super plasticizer? How do you determine the optimum dosage of super plasticizer?
7 M
What are mineral admixtures? Explain briefly, i) Silica flume ii) G.G.B.S. iii) Fly ash.
6 M
Explain the factors affecting the mix design of concretes.
5 M
Design a concrete mix of M25 grade for the following data:
Max size of aggregate - 20 mm; Crushed angular
Min/max cement content - 300/450 kg/m3; Max W/C - 0.5; Exposure condition - Moderate;
Work ability - 100 mm slump; Method of placing - pumping ; Quality control - good;
Type of chemical admixture - Super plasticizer [Speific gravity - 1.14].
Assume 25% replacement of cement by fly ash.
Test data for materials;
i) Cement - OPC 43 grade IS 8112.
ii) Specific gravity of cement - 3.15
iii) Fly ash - 20% Cementations material
iv) Specific gravity of fly ash - 2.20
v) Specific gravity of coarse aggregate - 2.60
vi) Specific gravity of fine aggregate - 2.65
[belongs to zone II]
Assume any other data suitably.
Max size of aggregate - 20 mm; Crushed angular
Min/max cement content - 300/450 kg/m3; Max W/C - 0.5; Exposure condition - Moderate;
Work ability - 100 mm slump; Method of placing - pumping ; Quality control - good;
Type of chemical admixture - Super plasticizer [Speific gravity - 1.14].
Assume 25% replacement of cement by fly ash.
Test data for materials;
i) Cement - OPC 43 grade IS 8112.
ii) Specific gravity of cement - 3.15
iii) Fly ash - 20% Cementations material
iv) Specific gravity of fly ash - 2.20
v) Specific gravity of coarse aggregate - 2.60
vi) Specific gravity of fine aggregate - 2.65
[belongs to zone II]
Assume any other data suitably.
15 M
Explain the influence of w/c ratio and age on permeability of concrete.
7 M
Discuss in brief alkali aggregate reaction. What precautions are necessary to minimize?
6 M
What is sulphate attack? Explain briefly the methods of controlling sulphate attack.
7 M
What is R.M.C.? Explain briefly advantages of R.M.C.
6 M
Explain short Crete and under water concreting.
8 M
What is self compacting concrete? What are the advantages of self compacting concrete?
6 M
What are the different types of fibres used in concrete? What factors effecting properties of fibre reinforced concrete?
8 M
What is aspect ratio? How does it influence strength and toughness of FRC?
4 M
What is Ferro cement? List the various applications of Ferro Cement.
8 M
Write short note on:
i) Light weight concrete.
ii) High density concrete.
i) Light weight concrete.
ii) High density concrete.
6 M
What is 'High Performance Concrete' [HPC]? What are the applications of High Performance Concrete?
6 M
Discuss in brief the properties of High Performance Concrete in fresh and hardened state.
8 M
Explain the following:
Tests on hardened concrete.
8 M
Rebound Hammer Test [NDT].
6 M
Pulse Velocity Test [NDT].
6 M
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