Fluid Mechanics
Fluid Mechanics
by Prof.Yunus A. Cingel John M. Oimbala
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Fluid Mechanics by Prof.Yunus A. Cingel John M. Oimbala is suggested as textbook for studying the following subjects:
Fluid Mechanics in Mechanical Engineering Semester 3 (Visveswaraya Technological University)
The text helps students develop an intuitive understanding of fluid mechanics by emphasizing the physical underpinning of processes and by utilizing numerous informative figures, photographs and other visual aids to reinforce the basic concepts.
Salient Features
Visual Nature of Fluid Mechanics accentuated by apt illustrations and photographs
Physical Intuition to help students develop a sense of the underlying physical mechanisms and amastery of solving practical problems.
Engineering Equation Solver Software and Problems are included
Table of Content:
Introduction And Basic Concepts
Properties Of Fluids
Pressure And Fluid Statics
Fluid Kinematics
Bernoulli And Energy Equations
Momentum Analysis Of Flow Systems
Dimensional Analysis And Modeling
Internal Flow
Differential Analysis Of Fluid Flow
Approximate Solutions Of The Navier–Stokes Equation
External Flow: Drag And Lift
Compressible Flow
Open-Channel Flow
Introduction To Computational Fluid Dynamics
