Design of Machine Elements II
by Prof.V.B. Bhandari
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Design of Machine Elements II by Prof.V.B. Bhandari is suggested as textbook for studying the following subjects:
Design of Machine Elements 2 in Mechanical Engineering Semester 6 (Visveswaraya Technological University)
This edition of Design Of Machine Elements has been revised and updated to introduce new topics and educational features. In this book, students can find several solved and unsolved questions for practice.
In mechanical engineering, machine design has an important place as it contains technical information, new and creative ideas for the improvement of machines. Design of Machine Elements covers all the content, theories, definitions, and formulae etc. which are required while designing a machine. This textbook is according to the syllabus followed in various technical boards, professional examining bodies (such as Institute of Engineers), and universities.
There are twenty five chapters in this book describing and explaining every procedure and consideration required while designing a machine. Students preparing for competitive exams such as GATE and UPSC can also refer to this book for help.
In each chapter, there is an introduction explaining the chapter and its functions theoretically followed by charts, formulae, illustrations, solved, and unsolved problems. Also included are isometric and free-body diagrams of the machine for better understanding wherever required.
Numerical examples are solved methodically so that student can understand procedure of the design. All units used in this book are according to Indian standards. The third edition of this book was published by Tata McGraw Hills Education in 2010. It is available in paperback.