D.C. Machines and Synchronous Machines
by Prof.P.S Bhimbra
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D.C. Machines and Synchronous Machines by Prof.P.S Bhimbra is suggested as reference book for studying the following subjects:
DC Machines and Synchronous Machines in Electrical and Electronic Engineering Semester 5 (Visveswaraya Technological University)
Electrical Machinery is a complete guide for engineering students that consists of revised and updated version of handling of transformers and other familiar types of rotating electrical machines. Each chapter starts with basic elementary concepts and is presented in a simple and understandable manner. It also covers transformers, D.C. Machines and 3-phase synchronous and induction machines.
The book also tells us that all electrical machines work on fundamental principles. There is a detailed separate chapter on electromechanical-energy-conversion principles and D.C. /A.C. The book also talks about power diodes, power transistors, thyristors and other related topics.
The book has an adequate number of unanswered problems with solutions and theoretical questions to check the student's understanding of the topics covered. Electrical Machinery will serve as a course book during their educational career and as a reference book throughout their professional career. The book can be easily bought from